Sunday, June 19, 2016

Food Fight!!!


Why I'm I still hungry? I just ate diner,  I had chicken cutlets with some pasta, and broccoli on the side.

Then, a half hour later I ate about twenty crackers that had hummus spread on top. And for dessert I  ate 30 marshmallows. But I still feel hungry, why do I still feel like eating  everything  in the refrigerator, I feel  bloated but I still want to eat. I hate the way I look and feel.


Robert you need  to find something else in your life that has purpose and use that to substitute food.


 I have clothes that don't fit because I am getting so fat.

I am not happy with myself, I need to do something but food is my only comfort. Food  makes  me  feel happy. It is the only thing that excites me. My life has very little excitement, food helps because I enjoy eating, especially food that is not good for me.

 I feel  that if  I continue to eat like this I'll end up killing myself.

I must do something. I need to find  the will power to avoid eating the wrong foods and stop over eating.


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